Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday 5 March, 2010

the days are packed

Most times when a friend falls in love or gets hitched, you get the feeling that the guy isn't really good enough for your friend.

Does he know how she never speaks about herself?
Does he know how she will weep for the beggar boy at the signal?
Does he realise just how lucky he is??

But rarely, very rarely, you get the feeling that he knows all this. And two such weddings are coming up... There are blouses to be stitched, mehendis to be organised. Scrap-books to be made and pictures to be clicked.

For its my best friends weddings, two in a row. :-) :-)



My nephew is a slothbear