Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday 29 December, 2009


My grandmother today strung tulsi leaves together for grandpa's pooja... slowly, poorly and dropping half the leaves all around.

But after weeks of battling multiple complications, after having seen death stark in her eyes so many times, after marathon hospital shifts and sleepless nights... its our big miracle.

The garland takes me back to No.1, Selliamman Koil Street... I am five again, and its time for grandmother's friday prayers.


Anvita Lakhera said...

This is lovely. Hope all is well now. Best wishes. Have a happy 2010.

bythewindowsill said...

thanks anvita!
happiness always to you too. :-)

Amitabh said...

Of all your posts, this is the best in my head. I know I work with a weird measuring tape. I actually bought in my last trip with Alice :-)

Slogan Murugan said...

:) Time travel is possible

bythewindowsill said...

@amitabh: lol :-)
laughter and dreams always to you. :-)

@slogan murugan: it is. absolutely.
:-) :-)


My nephew is a slothbear